It was Spring of 2020. No one know what was going on and we were all scrambling. We all met together and brainstormed ideas on how we can help our Wee Ones Moms and Girls. We wanted to give them something exciting to distract them and give them something fun to look forward to so we came up with our Design A Bow contest! We had so many entries and quite literally overwhelmed by the response! It made everyone happy and definitely helped distract us all from everything at the moment.
Ultimately, we had to pick a winner and she is quite our little hero!
Meet Briella!

Briella has Cerebral Palsy but that doesn't slow down this talented Wee Ones Girl! She is a disability advocate, loves stuffed animals and is about to become a big sister! She's also the happiest and sweetest girl! We are always so happy to work with Briella eoscially when we made her bow available to buy. A % of proceeds were donated to Briella's favorite charity.

Should we host another Design A Bow contest? Comment below and tell us what you think!